Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Life in CFS IIUM....

Fuhh..apa aku nk kata ea dlm post ni? Sbnarnya aku bkn ada 'mood' sgt pun nak menaip ni. Tapi x pe la..I forced myself!! Bkn apa..aku msih dlm proses ssuaikan diri dgn gaya hidup kt sini.

Maklum laa..aku ni x biasa lgi dgn gaya hdup org metropolitan. pastu pula..aku ni blum biasa hdup brdikari. I mean 100% fully independent.

Aku hidup kt sini serba kelam kabut juga. Apasal? Mklum la..aku ni jenis suka byk fikir. Mcm2 benda nk buat. Smpai pening kpala aku!! Tmbah pula aku jd class representative. apa tu? lbih kurang mcm class monitor mmg aku jd lg sibuk la.

But I keep remembering my mum's advice - don't be rush. Keep being calm. I really miss environment in Perlis - really different from here! I have been planning to go back to my hometown during mid-sem break even though it's not a long period. Huhuhu....

Ok laa...that's all what I would like to write for this opportunity. Last but not least, thanks a lot for reading!! May ALLAH bless us.... =)


fatihah said...

bila nk blik????ktowg pun blik gak cti ni..

Ahmad Kamil said...

mid-july ni kot..bila cuti?