Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's time for semester break !!

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh... May peace be upon all of u.

Hahhh..Without conscious, tomorrow is the final day of exams for me! All praises be to ALLAH ‘Azza Wa Jalla.. Hooray! It’s time for having vacation! How long it will be? Hmm…it is about a month before semester 3 starts on March 21.

What will I do throughout the break? Hahhhh.. a lot of things to be done! Some of matters already in mind that I plan to do is visiting my beloved and respected teachers at my former school of SMK Agama Arau, reading religious books to acquire knowledge on it and helping my parents, siblings and friends in doing house chores and teaching too. Do you me to help you too? Hehe..

Actually, I really miss my handphone and celcom number that is suddenly left in bus for about a month ago.  It is now kept by the bus driver. Hence, I currently use one handphone and one phone number only. I have contacted Transnasional Operation Officer regarding this matter but yet still no news.

I just take opportunity to write down this post after have been studying for about one hour and half. So feel tired and sleepy right when typing this. Should I go for sleeping for a while? Huhu.. It’s up to me la! Ok…I think that’s all what I would like to say for this opportunity. See you soon in next post. Do pray for me so that my buddies and I will pass with flying colours in this final examination!

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